Friday, February 4, 2011

Thawing out

Here is what my backyard looks like. You can't tell, but that is a deck and it's not snow, it's nice shiny ice.

Today was day 4 off of work. Snow days loose their magical powers when you graduate from high school. Things got a little tense around here since we were all home with nothing to do for several days. To top everything off, the roof started to leak yesterday. Nate got it to stop, but once things warm up, we'll have some repairs to do. Today I finally got out of the house. Target was calling my name.

David decided he was done with his tent that we made, so we took it down last night. It was pretty cool. We had a picnic lunch in there before it was destroyed.

Today he decided that he want to watch some TV. He pulled a footstool over in front of the TV.  A guy has to have somewhere to sit, right? He then went and pulled one of his plates and placed it on the TV stand. He went back into the kitchen and pulled out some Cheetos and brought them to me. I opened them up for him. He took them to his plate, poured them out and threw the bag away in the trash. He went back to his stool and waited for the TV to come on. We picked Sesame Street. Here is what he is doing while mommy blogs...

He may not say many words, but he knows what he wants when he wants it. I love that he knows mommy wants him to use his plate. Now we will work on not sitting so close to the TV. (Oh, and when he was done, he put his plate in the sink. Think he can teach daddy his new tricks?)

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