Monday, February 21, 2011

A Mott Family Saturday

Saturday was the perfect family day. The weather was warm(er) and sunny. Nate and I wanted to do something to get the heck out of the house. Winter blues were starting to set in hard! You can only build so forts, take so many bubble baths, and watch so many episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before you start to go stir crazy. We decided to take a trip to the zoo. We love our family membership! Not all of the animals were out, but David had so much fun just the same. It was great to see him so excited and to get so much energy out.

Our first stop was the seal lions. David was not  a fan last summer, but now he loves them. I think it's mostly because he knows that the next stop is the aquarium, which is his favorite. He loves to watch the fish and see the sea lions from the tank inside. Of course the peguins are a hit as well. David ran from tank to tank squealing and pointing.

The next stop was the playground. This was David's first time playing on it. Usually it's super busy and David wasn't walking well last summer. He loved it. He ran up the ramp and tried one slide. He then ran the long way around to go up the ramp again and try the other slide. This was repeated for about 30 minutes.

Next stop was the plains. We were hoping to see the elephants, but they were not out. We saw the rhino's and girrafes. He even got to see the monkeys and cheetahs! This point was about 2 hours into our visit, and David started to get a little cranky, so we decided it was time for lunch.

Nate took up out to the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch. Yumm-o! Pasta, salad, and spumoni with every entree. He loves fettucini alfredo, but I think he liked the spumoni best.

David barely made it back to the car before he crashed. He napped in the car on the way home and for a little bit at home. Then he was up and ready to play some more. Nate and I decided to take David to Fort Ben. We also love our season pass there. We only live about a mile away, so it's nice to get away into the woods after a busy day. They have a really nice paved path that we walked while David pushed his lawn mower. We made him ride in the wagon for a while, but he prefered the lawn mower. After the walk he played on the playground for a while before coming home to play outside the with next door neighboors.

It was a busy, fun packed Saturday. David was exhausted. He went to bed at 6:45 and slept until 8:15. He was still half asleep when we woke him up for church Sunday morning.

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