Saturday, July 16, 2011


Last night was David's 1st night in his transitional bed. He was a rock star and slept in the bed the whole night and didn't even get out of it this morning until I came in to his room. It sits low to the ground, so he very easily could have gotten out. I was so impressed to find him in his bed when I walked in this morning and this afternoon after his nap. Let's hope the trend continues.

Since we had accomplished the big boy bed, we decided that it was time for a real haircut. We had done some trims, but nothing major. Today we went to Cookie Cutters to do the first haircut. It was pretty cool, and they do kids cuts well.

Here are the before pics:

Some action shots. He did so well! They put in a movie (Bob the Builder) and let him pick his car. He thought it was so cool. I thought it was amazing at how still he sat while she cut his hair!

And the after shots. He is not amused that we took a zillion pictures. He just wanted his balloon and sucker.

It was a good day for David, and a hard day for mommy. He is getting so big and has such a personality. This summer his speech has come so far! I can actually understand what he wants most of the time. Tonight at dinner he spilled some of his juice and said "Awe man!" Cracked me up because that was a new phrase for him. He is such a big boy!


  1. He is a big boy! And such a handsome one. :) Each new milestone is so bittersweet!

    I am really really impressed by how well he did with the haircut. Calvin still sobs the entire time. What's your secret??

  2. He looks so much more grown up! Glad the bed and haircut both went well.
