Monday, January 28, 2013

Winter Getaway

MLK weekend we were invited (so I'm told, Nate could have invited us) to go to Abe Martin Lodge with our old neighboors and another couple and their kids for a night. Nate and I love Abe Martin and have been several times. There is a very kid friendly indoor water area that David loves. We usually go spring/summer time so that we can hike as well, so going mid winter was a change. It was a lot of fun. David was scared at first, but eventually decided that floating with his life vest on was fun. And thanks to our old neighboors, he even had goggles to help keep the water out of his eyes. Even Molley had a blast splashing around in the water! I've got two water babies for sure.

He was so sad to go!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that bathing suit is to die for. So is the baby in it! And David looks so happy and so grown up! What a great weekend!
