Tuesday, February 24, 2015


So this happened.

After months of talking about it, weeks of prep, we finally signed a contract to sell our house!! I am excited and terrified all at the same time.

This house holds so many memories. I bought it on my own before Nate and I met. That's a BIG step for anyone! Then I met him and he moved in. For a brief stint, my brother-in-law even lived with us. We were married and came back to this house. We brought home 2 kids from the hospital here. We've seen first steps, heard first words, had many deep conversations here, and watched our kids become little people.

When I bought the house it seemed huge! I got a little smaller with all of Nate's things, then David's, then Molley's. We are busting at the seams - walking on each other (literally at times) and have no personal space. It is time to move.

We are crossing everything we can that our current house sells quickly! We are ready to start building memories in a new house and for David and I to be in the same district.

Check us out here!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm sorry Molley.

I am a horrible blogger. Horrible. See those numbers at the side over there. Marked difference in one kid vs two. Bigger difference in baby/toddler vs toddler/kindergartener.

When I started this blog, it was to get all of the things down that I didn't want to forget. Things that would remind me of how cute my kids were when they were yelling at me as teenagers. Things to use later for blackmail. :)

Molley has gotten the short end of the stick on this. It's not that I love her less, or that she is less cute than David, life has just gotten in the way. Things are messier; busier than they used to be. I don't get to document every little thing for her like I did for David. I hate that. I need to be better at it.

Here are just a few of the things I never want to forget.

Molley can't say David, so she calls him Dayday. Now she asks for him when we pick-up at his school. "I need Dayday Mott." I don't know if he wanted a nick name, but he will forever be Dayday.

Me: Are you Molley Mott?
Molley: I not Mott!
(She has since embraced her last name of Mott.)

Molley: Cheese, please! And Dayday. Cheese for Dayday.
(She never takes something just for her. David always needs the same thing, whether he wants it or not.)

Molley: I wove you Mommy.

Molley: Don't sing mommy!
Molley (seconds later): SING mommy!

David: My mommy!
Molley: No, MY mommy!
David: My daddy!
Molley: MY Mommy!
minutes later when mommy has made her mad
Molley: MY daddy!

Molley: Dance, mommy!

Molley: You otay mommy? You otay?

She needs music. It is her thing. I love hearing her sing along with her favorite songs. It is adorable.
"Tinkle, tinkle, wittle tar..."

She puts on dress-up clothes as soon as she hits the door. You never know who she will be or how many times she will change. Shoes are a must, and most days a penny (ponytail) with a bow to match the dress is required.

I love when she comes to watch me get ready. She brings her hair brush and play make-up to get ready just like mommy.
"You pitty mommy? I pitty mommy?"
Yes sweet pea, you are beautiful, inside an out

She is such a drama driven, happy, tantrum throwing, giggly little person with a personality so much bigger than her little body. She knows what she wants (or who she wants) and when she wants it. She wants to dress-up in frilly princess dresses, but also to go dig in the dirt with her brother. She reminds me everyday to be a kid, to smile and that I am loved. She also reminds me daily that I will have my hands full in just a few short years.

She is growing up so much faster than David did, and I am not ready for that.