Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm sorry Molley.

I am a horrible blogger. Horrible. See those numbers at the side over there. Marked difference in one kid vs two. Bigger difference in baby/toddler vs toddler/kindergartener.

When I started this blog, it was to get all of the things down that I didn't want to forget. Things that would remind me of how cute my kids were when they were yelling at me as teenagers. Things to use later for blackmail. :)

Molley has gotten the short end of the stick on this. It's not that I love her less, or that she is less cute than David, life has just gotten in the way. Things are messier; busier than they used to be. I don't get to document every little thing for her like I did for David. I hate that. I need to be better at it.

Here are just a few of the things I never want to forget.

Molley can't say David, so she calls him Dayday. Now she asks for him when we pick-up at his school. "I need Dayday Mott." I don't know if he wanted a nick name, but he will forever be Dayday.

Me: Are you Molley Mott?
Molley: I not Mott!
(She has since embraced her last name of Mott.)

Molley: Cheese, please! And Dayday. Cheese for Dayday.
(She never takes something just for her. David always needs the same thing, whether he wants it or not.)

Molley: I wove you Mommy.

Molley: Don't sing mommy!
Molley (seconds later): SING mommy!

David: My mommy!
Molley: No, MY mommy!
David: My daddy!
Molley: MY Mommy!
minutes later when mommy has made her mad
Molley: MY daddy!

Molley: Dance, mommy!

Molley: You otay mommy? You otay?

She needs music. It is her thing. I love hearing her sing along with her favorite songs. It is adorable.
"Tinkle, tinkle, wittle tar..."

She puts on dress-up clothes as soon as she hits the door. You never know who she will be or how many times she will change. Shoes are a must, and most days a penny (ponytail) with a bow to match the dress is required.

I love when she comes to watch me get ready. She brings her hair brush and play make-up to get ready just like mommy.
"You pitty mommy? I pitty mommy?"
Yes sweet pea, you are beautiful, inside an out

She is such a drama driven, happy, tantrum throwing, giggly little person with a personality so much bigger than her little body. She knows what she wants (or who she wants) and when she wants it. She wants to dress-up in frilly princess dresses, but also to go dig in the dirt with her brother. She reminds me everyday to be a kid, to smile and that I am loved. She also reminds me daily that I will have my hands full in just a few short years.

She is growing up so much faster than David did, and I am not ready for that.

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