Monday, February 27, 2012

Pink or Blue?

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of !"

What are little girls made of?
"Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what little girls are made of!"

We are so excited to announce the gender of baby Mott!

What will baby be?

To announce to our families, we had them over for dinner. Nate and I put a balloon in a bag and had David open it in front of everyone. He was resistant at first, I mean, who could deny trains with your cousins, but he finally decided that he would help. Here is what came out of the bag...


We could not be happier! Neither Nate and I had a preference one way or another. We have been through so much to get here, that all we wanted was to know that we had a healthy baby growing in there. We do, a sweet baby girl! the latest stats are here.

Here are the cupcakes that I made for dessert. They were very yummy, and I'll do another post on how I made them. :)

David decided that he wanted to hold baby Lyla. He did such a good job. I know he will make a great big brother!

We are so excited and know how blessed we are to be here. Thank you, friends and family, for all of your prayers and well wishes. Before we know it, we will be introducing you all to our newest addition.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

...and he changed his mind.

For weeks, David had said he wanted a sister. Yesterday he tells me in the car on the way home that he now wants a "brudder". He told me again today, so I captured it on video. Now, either way I have a video to show him that he did indeed want a sibling.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

David wants a...

Next week is our big ultrasound. We did not find out with David,  but this time we will. We are so excited to know if David will have a brother or a sister. He is going with us to the ultrasound to see baby and hopefully make everything more real for him.

Since we are so excited, we asked David what he wanted. Here is his response:

We'll see in a week if he gets what he wants!

(Check out the Pregnancy Journal for weekly updates.)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cooking with David

David loves to help me...with anything. He likes to help mommy put things away, go potty, and every now and then he actually likes to help mommy clean. His new thing is to help me cook. He brings over his stool so he is tall enough and will help do anything that I will let him.

Last week, he helped me make dinner. We made Pepperoni Roll-up's that I found on Pinterest. Crescent rolls, pepperoni, and cheese sticks. Couldn't get any easier. After I got all of the ingredients out, David went to town and made them pretty much by himself.

Forced smile that I asked for before we started

Getting to work

Sampling the pepperoni

All done!

After the roll-up's, we made some chocolate, chocolate chip muffins. Yumm!


It is so much fun having him in the kitchen helping me! He is so careful when we measure and he makes sure that he follows all of my directions. He's getting so big!